
Multiple protocols and APIs are supported by eta_utility. Most functionality is common to all connectors, some of the connectors also offer specific functionality, which only applies to the protocol or API they implement.

A simple example using the EnEffCo connection:

# Create the connection object
connection = EnEffCoConnection.from_ids(
    ["CH1.Elek_U.L1-N", "Pu3.425.ThHy_Q"],

# Read series data within a specified time interval
from_time = datetime.fromisoformat("2019-01-01 00:00:00")
to_time = datetime.fromisoformat("2019-01-02 00:00:00")
data = connection.read_series(from_time, to_time, interval=900)
class eta_utility.connectors.OpcUaConnection(url: str, usr: str | None = None, pwd: str | None = None, *, nodes: Nodes | None = None, key_cert: KeyCertPair | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]

The OPC UA Connection class allows reading and writing from and to OPC UA servers. Additionally, it implements a subscription method, which reads continuously in a specified interval.

  • url – URL of the OPC UA Server.

  • usr – Username in OPC UA for login.

  • pwd – Password in OPC UA for login.

  • nodes – List of nodes to use for all operations.

classmethod from_ids(ids: Sequence[str], url: str, usr: str | None = None, pwd: str | None = None) OpcUaConnection[source]

Initialize the connection object from an OPC UA protocol through the node IDs.

  • ids – Identification of the Node.

  • url – URL for connection.

  • usr – Username in OPC UA for login.

  • pwd – Password in OPC UA for login.


OpcUaConnection object.

read(nodes: Nodes | None = None) pd.DataFrame[source]

Read some manually selected values from OPC UA capable controller.


nodes – List of nodes to read from.


pandas.DataFrame containing current values of the OPC UA-variables.


ConnectionError – When an error occurs during reading.

write(values: Mapping[AnyNode, Any]) None[source]

Writes some manually selected values on OPC UA capable controller.


values – Dictionary of nodes and data to write {node: value}.


ConnectionError – When an error occurs during reading.

create_nodes(nodes: Nodes) None[source]

Create nodes on the server from a list of nodes. This will try to create the entire node path.


nodes – List or set of nodes to create.


ConnectionError – When an error occurs during node creation.

delete_nodes(nodes: Nodes) None[source]

Delete the given nodes and their parents (if the parents do not have other children).


nodes – List or set of nodes to be deleted.


ConnectionError – If deletion of nodes fails.

subscribe(handler: SubscriptionHandler, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1) None[source]

Subscribe to nodes and call handler when new data is available. Basic architecture of the subscription is the client- server communication via subscription notify. This function works asynchronously. Subscriptions must always be closed using the close_sub function (use try, finally!).

  • nodes – Identifiers for the nodes to subscribe to.

  • handler – SubscriptionHandler object with a push method that accepts node, value pairs.

  • interval – Interval for receiving new data. It is interpreted as seconds when given as an integer.

close_sub() None[source]

Close an open subscription.

class eta_utility.connectors.ModbusConnection(url: str, usr: str | None = None, pwd: str | None = None, *, nodes: Nodes | None = None)[source]

The Modbus Connection class allows reading and writing from and to Modbus servers and clients. Additionally, it implements a subscription service, which reads continuously in a specified interval.

  • url – URL of the Modbus Server.

  • usr – No login supported, only here to satisfy the interface

  • pwd – No login supported, only here to satisfy the interface

  • nodes – List of nodes to use for all operations.

read(nodes: Nodes | None = None) pd.DataFrame[source]

Read some manually selected nodes from Modbus server.


nodes – List of nodes to read from.


Dictionary containing current values of the Modbus variables.

write(values: Mapping[AnyNode, Any]) None[source]

Write some manually selected values on Modbus capable controller.


This is not implemented.


values – Dictionary of nodes and data to write {node: value}.

subscribe(handler: SubscriptionHandler, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1) None[source]

Subscribe to nodes and call handler when new data is available. Basic architecture of the subscription is the client- server communication. This function works asynchronously.

  • nodes – Identifiers for the nodes to subscribe to.

  • handler – SubscriptionHandler object with a push method that accepts node, value pairs.

  • interval – Interval for receiving new data. It is interpreted as seconds when given as an integer.

close_sub() None[source]

Close the subsription.

class eta_utility.connectors.EnEffCoConnection(url: str, usr: str | None, pwd: str | None, *, api_token: str, nodes: Nodes | None = None)[source]

EnEffCoConnection is a class to download and upload multiple features from and to the EnEffCo database as timeseries.

  • url – URL of the server with scheme (https://).

  • usr – Username in EnEffco for login.

  • pwd – Password in EnEffco for login.

  • api_token – Token for API authentication.

  • nodes – Nodes to select in connection.

API_PATH: str = '/API/v1.0'
classmethod from_ids(ids: Sequence[str], url: str, usr: str, pwd: str, api_token: str) EnEffCoConnection[source]

Initialize the connection object from an EnEffCo protocol through the node IDs

  • ids – Identification of the Node.

  • url – URL for EnEffco connection.

  • usr – Username for EnEffCo login.

  • pwd – Password for EnEffCo login.

  • api_token – Token for API authentication.


EnEffCoConnection object.

read(nodes: Nodes | None = None) pd.DataFrame[source]

Download current value from the EnEffCo Database


nodes – List of nodes to read values from.


pandas.DataFrame containing the data read from the connection.

write(values: Mapping[AnyNode, Any] | pd.Series[datetime, Any], time_interval: timedelta | None = None) None[source]

Writes some values to the EnEffCo Database

  • values – Dictionary of nodes and data to write {node: value}.

  • time_interval – Interval between datapoints (i.e. between “From” and “To” in EnEffCo Upload) (default 1s).

read_info(nodes: Nodes | None = None) pd.DataFrame[source]

Read additional datapoint information from Database.


nodes – List of nodes to read values from.


pandas.DataFrame containing the data read from the connection.

subscribe(handler: SubscriptionHandler, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1) None[source]

Subscribe to nodes and call handler when new data is available. This will return only the last available values.

  • handler – SubscriptionHandler object with a push method that accepts node, value pairs.

  • interval – Interval for receiving new data. It is interpreted as seconds when given as an integer.

  • nodes – Identifiers for the nodes to subscribe to.

read_series(from_time: datetime, to_time: datetime, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1, **kwargs: Any) pd.DataFrame[source]

Download timeseries data from the EnEffCo Database

  • nodes – List of nodes to read values from.

  • from_time – Starting time to begin reading (included in output).

  • to_time – Time to stop reading at (not included in output).

  • interval – Interval between time steps. It is interpreted as seconds if given as integer.

  • kwargs – Other parameters (ignored by this connector).


Pandas DataFrame containing the data read from the connection.

subscribe_series(handler: SubscriptionHandler, req_interval: TimeStep, offset: TimeStep | None = None, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1, data_interval: TimeStep = 1, **kwargs: Any) None[source]

Subscribe to nodes and call handler when new data is available. This will always return a series of values. If nodes with different intervals should be subscribed, multiple connection objects are needed.

  • handler – SubscriptionHandler object with a push method that accepts node, value pairs.

  • req_interval – Duration covered by requested data (time interval). Interpreted as seconds if given as int.

  • offset – Offset from from which to start requesting data (time interval). Interpreted as seconds if given as int. Use negative values to go to past timestamps.

  • data_interval – Time interval between values in returned data. Interpreted as seconds if given as int.

  • interval – interval (between requests) for receiving new data. It is interpreted as seconds when given as an integer.

  • nodes – Identifiers for the nodes to subscribe to.

  • kwargs – Other, ignored parameters.

close_sub() None[source]

Close an open subscription.

id_from_code(code: str, raw_datapoint: bool = False) str[source]

Function to get the raw EnEffCo ID corresponding to a specific (raw) datapoint

  • code – Exact EnEffCo code.

  • raw_datapoint – Returns raw datapoint ID.

timestr_from_datetime(dt: datetime) str[source]

Create an EnEffCo compatible time string.


dt – Datetime object to convert to string.


EnEffCo compatible time string.

usr: str | None

Username fot login to server

pwd: str | None

Password for login to server

exc: BaseException | None

An example using the ENTSO-E connection:

# Define your ENTSO-E Token
entsoe_token = ""

# Check out NodeEntsoE documentation for endpoint and bidding zone information
node = Node(

# start connection from one or multiple nodes
server = ENTSOEConnection.from_node(node, api_token=entsoe_token)

# Define time interval as datetime values
from_datetime = datetime.strptime("2022-02-15T13:18:12", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
to_datetime = datetime.strptime("2022-02-15T14:00:00", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

# read_series will request data from specified connection and time interval
# The DataFrame will have index with time delta of the specified interval in seconds
if isinstance(server, ENTSOEConnection):
    df = server.read_series(from_time=from_datetime, to_time=to_datetime, interval=1)
    raise TypeError("The connection must be an ENTSOEConnection, to be able to call read_series.")
class eta_utility.connectors.ENTSOEConnection(url: str = '', *, api_token: str, nodes: Nodes | None = None)[source]

ENTSOEConnection is a class to download and upload multiple features from and to the ENTSO-E transparency platform database as timeseries. The platform contains data about the european electricity markets.

  • url – Url of the server with scheme (

  • usr – Username for login to the platform (usually not required - default: None)

  • pwd – Password for login to the platform (usually not required - default: None)

  • api_token – Token for API authentication

  • nodes – Nodes to select in connection

API_PATH: str = '/api'
read(nodes: Nodes | None = None) pd.DataFrame[source]


Cannot read single values from ENTSO-E transparency platform. Use read_series instead


nodes – List of nodes to read values from


Pandas DataFrame containing the data read from the connection

write(values: Mapping[AnyNode, Mapping[datetime, Any]], time_interval: timedelta | None = None) None[source]


Cannot write to ENTSO-E transparency platform.

  • values – Dictionary of nodes and data to write. {node: value}

  • time_interval – Interval between datapoints (i.e. between “From” and “To” in EnEffCo Upload), default 1s

subscribe(handler: SubscriptionHandler, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1) None[source]

Subscribe to nodes and call handler when new data is available. This will return only the last available values.

  • handler – SubscriptionHandler object with a push method that accepts node, value pairs

  • interval – interval for receiving new data. It is interpreted as seconds when given as an integer.

  • nodes – identifiers for the nodes to subscribe to

read_series(from_time: datetime, to_time: datetime, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1, **kwargs: Any) pd.DataFrame[source]

Download timeseries data from the ENTSO-E Database

  • nodes – List of nodes to read values from

  • from_time – Starting time to begin reading (included in output)

  • to_time – Time to stop reading at (not included in output)

  • interval – interval between time steps. It is interpreted as seconds if given as integer.


Pandas DataFrame containing the data read from the connection

subscribe_series(handler: SubscriptionHandler, req_interval: TimeStep, offset: TimeStep | None = None, nodes: Nodes | None = None, interval: TimeStep = 1, data_interval: TimeStep = 1, **kwargs: Any) None[source]


Not implemented: Cannot subscribe to data from the ENTSO-E transparency platform.

  • handler – SubscriptionHandler object with a push method that accepts node, value pairs

  • req_interval – Duration covered by requested data (time interval). Interpreted as seconds if given as int

  • offset – Offset from from which to start requesting data (time interval). Interpreted as seconds if given as int. Use negative values to go to past timestamps.

  • data_interval – Time interval between values in returned data. Interpreted as seconds if given as int.

  • interval – interval (between requests) for receiving new data. It it interpreted as seconds when given as an integer.

  • nodes – identifiers for the nodes to subscribe to

close_sub() None[source]


Not implemented: Cannot subscribe to data from the ENTSO-E transparency platform.

usr: str | None

Username fot login to server

pwd: str | None

Password for login to server

exc: BaseException | None